Style spotlight: Daryl Oh and Saskia de Borchgrave

Style Spotlight: Daryl Oh and Saskia de Borchgrave

Running a small business is no small feat. Just ask Daryl (@darlyoh_) and Saskia (@saskiadbn) of HolyRad Studio (@holyrad_studio), a one-stop-shop photo studio based in Brooklyn. We sat down with this dynamic duo to gain insight into their business mantras, what fires them up, and how they find peace within the mania of it all.

Why did you start your company? What is your company’s mission?

What happens when you graduate school as an artist? Your bubble bursts. You lose your access to space, equipment, and resources. Holyrad is built on the belief that you don't have to keep looking left and right, you can instead look to yourself, and use creative entrepreneurship as a pathway to success, however you define it. Our Membership provides the most affordable studio prices in NYC, free equipment, gigs with clients and hands-on guidance from our team in navigating the freelance world, so that everyone can find economic upward mobility.

Do you have advice you can share with other girl bosses starting their own businesses?

Don't wait for permission. I thought getting a degree was my permission to be successful. The truth is you'll never be an expert in your business until you start running it, so start! Don't perceive slow growth as a failure and do not be defeated by it. Slow growth is what has allowed us to keep our business authentic and sustainable. Embrace it.

Saskia de Borchgrave in our Buckthorn Sutton Sneaker

Saskia de Borchgrave in our Buckthorn Sutton Sneaker

How have you had to adjust your business strategies in light of the COVID-19 pandemic?

The biggest pivot for us was creating an online school. I started teaching my course Negotiation 101, which covers pricing yourself, understanding your value, licensing vs ownership, bartering, and covid-19 adjustments to production fees. Daryl started a course on self-actualised project management for entrepreneurs. We now have an Online Membership of $20 a month that gives you access to The Holyrad Studio School and weekly clinics with us over zoom for customised support.

What do you enjoy about the Sutton’s? How do they function within your busy work/personal life? 

I'm never going to be a sandal person, so having a shoe that looks good in all seasons is truly ideal for me. The Sutton's work really well with my diverse range of tasks, a shoe comfortable enough to wear working on set and then smart enough to wear in my meeting with a client after I wrap. I also love that it has a small platform because a platform always gives me confidence, but it's hard to find shoes that have a comfortable platform - the Sutton's have mastered the balance in being comfortable and elegant at the same time!


How have you been finding peace and escape during COVID-19? Any favorite spots in NYC?

I'm a taurus so peace and escape truly looks like working from home, spending more time with my cat, and not being disturbed while I work. Fort Greene is my favourite area in NYC and I walk over there most days just so I can walk down Dekalb. I eat at Olea or Dino on special occasions, and every morning after my workout I sit on the bench outside what was a smooch cafe and face the Brownstones on Carlton Ave. I'll never be able to afford one but a girl can dream.

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